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Professional Whitening for a
Whiter, Brighter Smile!

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Have you ever...

• Considered whitening your teeth?
• Wondered whether whitening is safe for your teeth?
• Been dissatisfied with retail store whitening?
• Decided not to whiten your teeth with brands you have never heard of?

Then read on for good news!

We offer our patients Colgate Visible White

A visible advance in professional whitening, Colgate Visible White is clinically proven to deliver fast, safe and effective whitening. It removes both surface and embedded stains and is formulated to prevent dehydration of the teeth. The neutral pH formula is proven safe for whitening.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes tooth discloration?

There are many causes, the most comon include aging, coffee, red wine and smoking.

Am I a good candidate for whitening?

Almost anyone can benefit from professional whitening. Generally, those individuals with healthy teeth respond best. We can help you make the best decision based on an evaluation of your teeth.

What is a professional take-home procedure?

This involves wearing a custom tray 30 minutes for 7 to 10 days. It provides visibly whiter teeth in only 3 days.

I'm interested! Now what?

Contact our office if you have any other questions about whitening or want to schedule an appointment.

Financing Options Whiten your teeth Tooth Sealant for your child
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